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Providing for Our Future: Campaign for the Diocese of Lexington

The Diocese of Lexington has embarked upon an important campaign which we are calling “Providing for Our Future.” The success of this campaign will allow the diocese to be more responsive to the needs in our region and help us to support our parishes and missions in the implementation of the priorities in our Diocesan Pastoral Plan. The goal of our campaign is initially $11 million. The amount now stands at $8.7 million thanks to our generous benefactors. 

This substantial debt makes it difficult for the diocese to financially sustain our many ministries. The debt was incurred with good intentions to enhance and improve ministries and outreach, but created unsustainable financial liabilities. With the help of our Diocesan Finance Officer and Diocesan Finance Council, we have worked hard to address these financial strains. The facilities that were unsustainable were sold and the ministries that were still viable have been consolidated. We have sold properties and negotiated better loan structures and interest rates. Nonetheless, the interest payments and owed principal still restricts the diocese and prevents the kind of growth and engagement with the larger community that we would like
to have.

How will the diocese better respond to our needs without this debt? (Here is a sampling of some of the areas the diocese would like to invest in once the debt has been alleviated.)

  • Additional Staff For Youth, Young Adult And Campus Ministry
  • Further Investment In Our Hispanic Ministry
  • Catholic Charities Outreach In Eastern Kentucky
  • More Holistic Approach To Congolese Ministry
  • Staff Position At The Chancery For Prison Ministry

Providing for Our Future

Eliminating our debt will allow us to invest in several initiatives that we are not able to now. We currently rely on our parishes to bear much of the leadership and engagement effort in multiple areas. The diocese would like to offer more support, formation and direct assistance to enhance what is already being done at the local parish or mission level. Our parishes are doing a wonderful job but could surely use the financial help, additional staff and leadership support.


Why should we support this campaign?

The current debt is holding us back from fully implementing the mission of the Church in Eastern Kentucky and the Bluegrass as we prepare for our future. As one Body in Christ, we are called to discern God’s will and build up the Church as a community of missionary disciples. The Word of the Lord tells us: “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10). Our faith teaches us that our gratitude should be expressed in words of praise to God and in generosity toward those in need.

As the Diocese of Lexington is in its 35rd year serving the mission of the Church in Central and Eastern Kentucky, I call on your support so that we may truly be a people of resurrection and move forward together as a community of missionary disciples. As expressed in our Pastoral Plan: “To practice resurrection is to live in the light of eternity and not just the present moment, it is to take seriously the promises of the Risen Christ and act as though we believe them. It is to not be discouraged by all that is wrong in our midst, but to realize that God’s kingdom will ultimately be established. As Catholic Christians, we need to practice resurrection — to live now in the risen life of Christ.”

Please prayerfully discern how you can support our diocese in this crucial effort.  Make a gift online by clicking on the Donate button below and selecting the “Providing for our Future” fund.  For more information, please contact the Development Office at  (859) 253-1993, ext. 1050  or email or